Global reach

When your company is growing either through establishing a sales office abroad or through acquisition of a foreign entity you may desire full understanding of the risks and the financial implications.

We are able to provide local service in any country you operate in. Ecclesia is member of two strong, worldwide operating networks with partners in over 140 countries and 24,000 professionals. We work with local, independent broker firms who endorse the same professional values as we do so that you can run your business with confidence.

Local expertise

Our networks are able to offer international insurance solutions based on local knowledge. Our partners are flexible, direct, personal and dispose of knowledge to control your business’ best interest.

Whether you may have a question regarding local legislation or regulations or an international insurance program needs to be designed for your global organisation; together with our network partners we will provide you with adequate answers and solutions. Furthermore; local claims handling in local language has proven to be effective. By using the knowledge of the international network we are able to assist you with local (insurance) tax issues.

“We offer global reach & local expertise”

Judith Huisman