Risk governance and employability

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Creating and seizing opportunities

Managing risks allows room to create and seize opportunities. Maintaining a grip on the direction of your organisation and giving care and attention to your greatest asset: your people. Sustainably employable and satisfied employees are at the heart of any company.

The heart of any company

Sustainably employable and satisfied employees are at the heart of any company. However, the day-to-day affairs and deadlines make it difficult to develop and successfully implement a sustainable HR policy. That is why it is crucial to zoom out from time to time. To (again) focus on the ‘dot on the horizon’. Reviewing the strategy, identifying the risks and then: making the right choices.

Also, constant vigilance is required when it comes to the health and well-being of employees in the context of employability. Where does the company stand and which issues are affecting employees? Does the organisation’s focus match the purpose, goals and values of your people? It only takes one mismatch to increase the risk of absenteeism, lost days and poorer performances.

The strategic choice of whether to participate in social insurance solutions or, on the contrary, to keep it in-house, is also an important factor in keeping a clear view of the risks. What suits your organisation best? Together, we will find the answer.

Data and objectives

The first step towards a sustainably performing organisation in which risks are as manageable as possible always starts with an analysis of the organisation’s objectives, the status quo and the risks. Data and objectives form the basis of an action plan to arrive at a flexible, agile organisation with sustainably employable and satisfied employees. This is always tailor-made. And that is what you may expect from us.